Apex Stables
Horse Boarding
in Spokane, Washington
Apex Stable offers horse boarding stables in Spokane. Our facility sits on 20 acres in North Spokane with easy access from i395 off Hatch Road. There is plenty of room to share the indoor and outdoor arenas, covered round pen, hotwalker, wash rack, and more.
We aim to offer a positive and encouraging experience for all who board here. We maintain a boarder-friendly atmosphere so you can feel comfortable enjoying your horse(s) anytime.
Want to ride trails? We have easy access just off the south side of the property.
We made considerable improvements to our lounge and tack room in 2022. New and improved arena rails, tack-up area, and new and improved wash rack are coming in 2024. Come along for the ride and watch as we continue to improve your boarding experience.
Amenities Include
Indoor Arena (60x120)
Outdoor Arena (120x200)
Heated (and cooled) Tack Room
Heated (and cooled) Lounge
Heated (and cooled) Bathroom with Shower
Hot Walker
Square Pen for Lunging
Riding Trails from the Property
Heated Waters (winter)
Trailer Parking Available
We have made many new updates to the facility, with many more to come!